Aunque las heridas del pasado se cierren y perdones a todos lo que te han hecho daño, el dolor siempre queda en el corazón. Retrato íntimo sobre la vida de María José Arroyo, recorriendo las cicatrices de su pasado y descubriendo la medicina de su alma.
Even if the wounds of the past are closed and you forgive all those who have hurt you, the pain always remains in your heart. An intimate portrait of María José Arroyo's life, tracing the scars of her past and discovering the medicine of her soul.
Aguilar Film Festival 2021 (Spain) Official Selection Countryside Goya Awards Qualifying Festival
IX Festival Corto Cortisimo de Miguelturra (Spain) Castilla La Mancha Official Selection
Short Film | Documentray | Drama | 2021 | 14 min
Written and Directed: Rafa Arroyo
Production Company: Cariñito FIlms
Distribution Company: Line UP Film Agency
Maria Jose Arroyo
Producer: Rafa Arroyo, Cariñito Films
Editing: Rafa Arroyo, Javier Hernán Calvo
Cinematography: Rafa Arroyo
Camera Assitant: Antonio G. Albalate
Sound Designer: Víctor Gato
Music: Yehezkel Raz
Colorist: Rafa Arroyo